Sunday, June 23, 2013

How to create war component from command prompt

Creating war file is a simple if you use an IDE when you are programming in J2EE applications.
Now Let's see how to create this war component using command prompt.

1. First create a folder in a directory you wish to create the .war file. I named it as HelloWar.

2. Prepare these two components inside HelloWar folder.
           1. WEB-INF folder
           2. index.html or index.jsp

3. Inside the WEB-INF folder, place the followings.
           1. lib folder
           2. classes folder
           3. jboss-web.xml
           4. web.xml.
Figure 1- jboss-web.xml

Figure 2- web.xml

4. Now it's time to go :)
So first go the folder using command prompt and then you can check the folder structure of the application.

5. Then now we are going to create .war using  jar -cvf HelloWar.war * command.

6. With the above command you add .war to the application folder. Again you can verify this.

How to call ejb from mbean

As this ejb and mbean both going to be deployed in Jboss server I have implemented in a way that both are implemented in same EAR project, but ejb and mbean is made keeping their differences of implementation.

First Let's implement EJB part. 
 Implementation of Adder Interface
Figure 1- Implementation of Adder Interface
Implementation of AdderBean
Figure 2- Implementation of AdderBean

3. Then clean and build the project EJBDemo3

building the project EJBDemo3
Figure 3-  building the project EJBDemo3

4. Then go to dist folder in EJB and find that EJBDemo3.ear file and deploy in Jboss server in your working instance. When you deploy it you will see this kind of output in the command prompt.
 Command prompt view of the output
Figure 4 - Command prompt view of the output

Now we are going to create mbean

5. When creating mbean service there are some jars you should have to add as libraries. Those are
            Jakarta Commons IO,
            Jakarta Commons Logging,
            jboss-jmx.jar ,

And in this case we need another Jar called  org.jboss.annotation.ejb.ServiceJ 

6. AdderService implementation

 * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
 * and open the template in the editor.
package demo.mbean;

import org.jboss.system.ServiceMBeanSupport;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject;
import org.jboss.annotation.ejb.Service;

import demo.ejb.Adder;

 * @author Minoshini
@Service (objectName = "demo.mbean:service=Adder")
public class AdderService extends ServiceMBeanSupport implements AdderServiceMBean{
   private int a=2;
   private int b=2;
   public int getA() {
        return a;

     public void setA(int a) {
        this.a = a;

    public int getB() {
        return b;

    public void setB(int b) {
        this.b = b;
    public int add(){
       try {
            InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
            Object ref = ctx.lookup("EJBDemo3/AdderBean/local");
            Adder adder = (Adder) PortableRemoteObject.narrow(ref,Adder.class);
            return adder.add(a, b);
        } catch (NamingException e) {
            return 0;
   // The lifecycle
   protected void startService() throws Exception
   {"Starting of AdderService");
   protected void stopService() throws Exception
   {"Stopping of AdderService");

7. AdderServiceMBean

 * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
 * and open the template in the editor.
package demo.mbean;

 * @author Minoshini
public interface AdderServiceMBean {
   int getA();
   void setA(int a);
   int getB();
   void setB(int b);
   public int add();

8. After that again clean and build the EJBDemo3 Project

9. Then go the build project like this E:\java\EJBDemo3\EJBDemo3-ejb\build
In the META-INF folder there is a jboss.xml and rename it as jboss-service.xml and edit it like this.

Figure 5-  jboss-service.xml 

10. Then we are going to create the .SAR folder structure to deploy in jboss server. It should follow this order.


11. Then deploy this adder-service.sar folder in deploy folder of Jboss instance you are working with.

12. After that go to the http://localhost:8080/jmx-console/ and see mbean.demo and service Adder.

Service Adder
Figure 6- Service Adder

JMX MBean view
Figure 7- JMX MBean view 

From the mbean you can enter inputs also. When you call the add it will direct to ejb and retur the result.
 Output of the EJB via JMX-Console
Figure 8- Output of the EJB via JMX-Console