Thursday, July 4, 2013

How to excute a java code inside a P/L SQL

I will demonstrate this with a simple HelloWorld java program.
1.    1.    First write HelloWorld program in java.

 * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
 * and open the template in the editor.

 * @author MiFoLK
public class HelloWorld {
    public static String hello(){
        return "hello world !!";

2.       Then we have to load the java class in Oracle database using loadjava tool. So we have to copy the to the bin folder of the oracle. We have to give username and password.

Eg:   loadjava -u user_name/password -v -resolve

Figure 1

Further we can verify the compilation and load with a simple query against user objects. If it is done correctly the status is showing as valid.

Figure 2

3.    Publish the java class in Oracle database.
Now I have used P/L Sql Develper to write the function where the java class is called.
Basically it is done in this way.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hello_func(varchar2 pubkey) 
-- Declare a data base function called hello_func which takes a varchar2 param and returns ---------varchar 2
RETURN varchar2
-- This function should be declared according java function
NAME 'HelloWorld.hello(java.lang.String) return String';
--Map the java function with database function.

This is how I applied it into my simple example.

Figure 3

3.1   Open a new SQL Window and type this Query.
3.2   Then execute the query. 
3.3   Go to Objects window and refresh the functions folder.
3.4   Then  HELLO_FUNC function will appear. 

1.                    4. Calling P/L SQL procedure.
4.1   Right click on HELLO_FUNC function and click test.
4.2   Then you can see a test script.
Figure 4

4.3   Once you execute it you can see the result of the program. 

Figure 5

In this manner you can execute java programs via oracle p/l sql query. :)